Are you ready to invest
in your success?
Lexi offers the Weight Mastery Program in both a group format and in individual sessions. Of course, each person’s history and relationship with food is unique. Group sessions can be helpful as they address the themes that are common to most of us, while individual work allows us to hone in on your particular needs.
As a former practicing nutritionist and educator, and now as a seasoned hypnotherapist, I think it’s important to note that claims of “single session success” are rarely true. Freeing your mind of limiting mindsets in the deeper mind, also liberates other aspects of your life as well. If weight loss has been a life long battle, I encourage you to invest in the unique and empowering journey of Weight Mastery.
Weight Mastery
When you include the Subconscious mind in your weight loss strategy, it becomes a Game Changer. We assume our everyday mind is our primary decision maker when you’re ready to change. We know however, that the
Subconscious mind is your Dominant mind, making 70% of your decisions and creating a majority of your thoughts. This deeper mind is the source of our beliefs, drives and conditioned behaviors and well as the foundation of our self-esteem. Our “stories”, history and relationship to food and weight are recorded here.
In sharp contrast, your conscious everyday mind represents less than 10% of your mind power. It updates every day as it processes ideas and decides on a plan. Still, it’s not strong enough to create your breakthrough change, when your Subconscious has an opposing idea concerning diets, weight loss and food.
The Subconscious mind is often compared to a computer, in that it records everything we have ever experienced. Most of our conditioning is thought to occur before age 7, before we were old enough to filter what is true and not true. Old ideas and conditioning from the past may not support our current goals and instead create resistance and self-sabotage.
Hypnotherapy tools give you easy access to your Subconscious mind so you can create new and healthy “software” ...
The end result? We may be working with a mind that is divided, when it comes to weight loss goals. Your conscious mind may be inspired and ready, but your Subconscious mind wants chocolate cake.
We can't change the content of the Subconscious mind with just our conscious thoughts. Fortunately, Hypnotherapy tools give you easy access to your Subconscious mind so you can create new and healthy “software” -- that naturally invites better decisions, motivation, and the energy to achieve your goals. Your Subconscious and Conscious mind , working together, creates a powerful alliance to support your goals and dreams.. Now your whole mind can agree to………
Lose the struggle mentality, and embrace the new energy of momentum, inspired feelings, and steady change.
Bypass emotional eating as you connect instead with peaceful states.
Change your eating patterns and preferences at a deeper level of the Mind.
Release Stress, enjoy exercise
Power up your motivation
Create and act upon the powerful and compelling vision of your Future Self.
Reclaim your personal power!
Learn self hypnosis, a tool to support you in every arena of your Life
Experience a new sense of control around your food choices.
Create new habits that support your healthy lifestyle and lasting results.
Discover a new positive mindset, as your self esteem is nourished.