What can we help with?
Change your self image
Achieve weight mastery
Release old pain, phobias and fears
Sleep disturbance
Escape addictions and bad habits
Strengthen memory, learning skills, and test performance
Self improvement
Goal Achievement
FInd your Motivation
Freedom from the Past
Public Speaking
Relieve depressive/anxious feelings
Smoking Cessation
Habit Release (nail biting)
Preparation of Interviews
Sports performance
Reclaim your Creativity
Positive Thought Management
Support self healing, pre surgical preparation
Grief and Loss
Professional Development
Clear negative thinking
Release old relationships
Past-Life Exploration
Release Blocks and Sabotage
Connect with Spiritual Guidance
Manifest your Dreams
And so much more…...

*Individual results may vary. It should be noted that neither hypnosis nor hypnotherapy are a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. No medical Claims are made regarding these processes. Lexi Parrott, Transformational Hypnotherapy and Transformational Energy Clearing do not practice medicine or psychotherapy. No service or product is intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition. People with serious conditions should consult their doctors and psychological professionals.